Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Review book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review book - Essay Example Jane Healy is perplexed by the over dependence of teachers on the computer as a teaching and learning aid. A survey carried out among teachers and parents led her to the startling revelation that after the three R’s, i.e. reading writing and arithmetic and good habits, most of them desired proficiency in computers in their wards. The traditional domains of arts, history, geography and science figured much lower in the list of sixteen items listed in the survey. Parents who buy a computer have their children’s education in mind while making this expensive purchase. In the schools, computers have taken over the teacher’s job of education facilitator through repetitive drills and practice. Parents seem to have fallen into a delusional trap because they assume that a child who can operate a sophisticated tool like a computer must be smart, when in fact such a theory is not necessarily right. Constant drilling only hones their ability to get better scores in standard tests while dulling their analytical and problem solving skills. In the lower classes, computers have a negative impact because â€Å"fast growing biological systems are most vulnerable to damage†(pg.111) Healy is critical of the high amounts spent on upgrading hardware and computer software which can be put to better use by promoting literature and arts and even in training teachers. The biggest dangers that a computer poses to a child is inhibition of brain development and a lack of creativity. A child’s excessive use of computers interferes with its cognitive and social skills and they find it difficult to communicate even in familiar surroundings. From a physiological angle, computers lead to hand and arm injuries due to repetitive use, and back problems because of the enormous amount of time spent sitting in front of the computer. There is also the danger of visual problems due to eyestrain and problems associated with constant exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2-3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2-3 - Assignment Example The second fallacy is that of helplessness which a certain co-worker of mine applied in his real life. He would always complain of too much paper work and that he could not help himself out of the situation. The truth of the matter is that of he practiced time management well and set his priorities straight, he would not be missing the deadlines given to him. Because of his attitude, we shoulder the burden along with him because he is part of our department. Sadly, he doesn’t want to be helped and all of us are affected in the workplace. What I did was just exert the best effort possible to do my job and focus so that I would accomplish my own job. The third fallacy is that of approval. I learned that not all the time, one should please others to get their approval. Because of this wrong attitude, I cannot refuse the request of my co-workers and it came to a point where they abused my kindness. When I realized this was happening to me, I taught myself to say â€Å" no† when I could not really afford to do errands or favor from some of my co-workers. It was difficult but I had to discipline myself or suffer the consequences of being treated poorly. Later, my co-workers realized that I had changed and they stopped pushing me around which I earned me